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Re-read the original post, (or it may have been in one of the pages of this thread), the author has explained that the original shell is left in memory on purpose. Have you checked with task/process manager to see just how much memory your original menu actually uses? It may be a lot less than you expect.

Re my problem, I'm hoping the missing DLL file can copied across (to the windows directory I'd assume) from somewhere, and that the installation will then flow smoothly. If it is needed for each run of ceFFM, I'm going to have to look into a script for copying needed files into the freshly created windows folder each boot up. Code: # #- # Brand/Model specifics go here, which do NOT require a # soft-reset: user must edit this section by him-/herself #- # scrpt=pth 'mscripts KillApplications.mscr' If(FileExists(scrpt)) setting=0+IniRead(inifile2,sectusr,'KillApplications') If(setting. Quote: Originally Posted by jwoegerbauer At the moment I'm 600 miles from home. My brother in law has allowed me to his computer, so.

@SilentlyScreaming, Inbetween I become slowly mad, this because in script ceFFM.mscr 'toolhelp.dll' already is 3x used by MortScript before code-line ' pl=ProcList ' is to be processed. Library 'toolhelp.dll' comes with ceFFM in folder system. Folder system during ceFFM's installation becomes part of registry's HKLM Loader Systempath, where by convention.DLLs are searched for. Please control whether this registry entry correctly is set.

OK, the reg is wiped clean to a default state after rebooting (At least I was already fairly certain of that, and the HKLM Loader Systempath path didn't exist just now when I turned on the GPS device. I attempted to run ceFFM again, this time around using the apps button within WolfNCU, rather than the SHELLEX-LYG menu, with the Navi icon pointed to ceFFM,which instigated a first-time-run type process. This time, no error regarding DLLs not found! It rebooted, I ran ceFFM again, and I got our old friend.

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Code: Error Error reading Attributesagain. So, in conclusion, calling ceFFM from the device's menu results in the weird dll not found error, calling ceFFM from WolfNCU just the error reading attributes one. I'll try and look into that later on. Final step in this test, going to the WinCE desktop, and running ceFFM.exe directly from there.

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I'm assuming it will result in one of the two errors encountered so far, and I'm hoping this will prove/backup a theory. WinCE desktop, no programs listed as running (when you go to the desktop, the device's default menu appears to unloaded from memory. The toolhelp.dll error occurred. So, WolfNCU menu somehow gets me closer to ceFFM working. I'll edit this post if I remember what to do with the error reading attribs later on tonight, family life is calling right now! edit meant to say, I also tried loading WolfNCU directly from WinCE desktop, rather than through default menu interface, to check that the slightly more helpful error message would still be displayed when calling ceFFM. That is the case.

edit2 So, error reading attribs. OK, I'm looking for a startup480x272.cemenu file within ceFFM-0.3.3 folder, but only see startup.cemenu Was this a change since 0.3.0? (btw, this second device is also a 480x272 resolution one) In case it is the case that only the startup.cemenu is now supposed to exist, mine reads. Code: OK, reading back, maybe 0.3.2 was where startup.cemenu became the one file only?


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My ceFFM.ini currently reads as (again, all comments stripped for brevity, oh and I think the only setting in here I manually changed was the autostart at bootup - until ceFFM works and appears stable, I'm asking for trouble to autoload it I think ).

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